
In the event of ties, preference will be given to the contender with the greatest number of first places. If the tie remains unresolved then preference will be given to the contender with the greatest number of second places and so on until the issue is resolved.

A Registered Contender competing in a car will score points in both the Wheelspin Trophy League and the Crackington Cup League simultaneously. At the end of the season, when scores are computed, a contender who wins an award in the Wheelspin Trophy League will forgo his/her right to an award in the Crackington Cup League. This mechanism ensures the distribution of awards to a broader cross-section of contenders.

All trophies will remain the property of ACTC and must be returned on request. Replicas will be awarded to winners in the Wheelspin Trophy, Crackington Cup and Pouncy Leagues and will remain the property of the winners. The awards will be presented at a date and venue to be announced

Force Majeur

If by any reason of postponement or cancellation of an event forming part of the Series, or if by any reason of any alteration or suspension or annulment of results arising from an event or events forming part of the Series, or if in the opinion of the Council an event or events should be excluded from the Series, or if in the opinion of the Council an event or events should be included, Council may either cancel the Championship or modify or vary part of the terms thereof as Council may in its sole discretion think fit. In either of such cases, no subscription or entry fees will be refunded. The decision of the Council is final and binding.

In the event of any dispute concerning the championship the ACTC has appointed a Panel of Stewards who shall have sole jurisdiction in such matters. The Panel of Stewards consists of the Chairman of the Council, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary, the Championship Secretary and the Quality Controller, and they shall have the right to seek legal or technical advice from any source they select.

Any contender who, by virtue of his behaviour, whether connected with his vehicle or not, engages in any activity likely to bring the Championships, ACTC or its member clubs into disrepute may have disciplinary measures applied to him; these measures to be decided upon by the Panel of Stewards at the time.

All contenders should refer to the relevant section of the “Blue Book” for the Motorsport UK regulations governing Classic Trials and to the Auto Cycle Union handbook.

All registered contenders will receive a copy of Restart magazine, a quarterly publication. Registered navigators can receive their own copy for a payment of £ 10.00 per year.

Full technical regulations may be found in the Motorsport UK “Blue book”, including permitted tyres. However further additional rules are imposed by the ACTC with respect to tyre sizes and patterns.

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